Hi, my name is Kira Palechek. I have always had dogs in my life as long as I can remember. They have always brought me great peace and happiness! I had a beautiful German Shepherd named Chelsea and she was an absolute joy in my life. She was my angel. She lived to be 15 years old and had a great life. However, the last few did bring her problems with her hips, back and hind limbs. She had arthritis and it was being managed with medication but she was unable to be as active as she loved. She always loved the water, she was obsessed with it. I would take her to the lake and it was impossible to get her out of the water. No regrets where Chelsea was concerned, she was with me every second, often just laying around on the floor together in a peaceful, timeless state, she truly was a blessing in my life. I only wish I had found Hydrotherapy when it could have provided her some joy and pain relief. She was one of my primary motivators in pursuing hydrotherapy as a career. I thought for many years about hydrotherapy and I finally got my chance to experience it firsthand when I found an educational provider that embodied everything I feel for my pets and pretty much every other dog I see walking down the street.
When I reached a point where I knew it was time for a change I decided to start training as a Hydrotherapist. I found an amazing school, Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Referrals from the United Kingdom, offering the first part of their diploma program on Vancouver Island at Coastal Canine. It was the perfect place for the training and the owner Carolyn was wonderful. She organized for many of her own clients as well as her own beautiful dogs to be available to the students for hands on training and they were all fabulous! Greyfriars training was very demanding and technical with a strong clinical base, instructed by a team of dedicated professionals who demanded nothing but the best. However, even with the seriousness of the training their love of their profession and the dogs was always clear. I was very glad to see how serious it was as I was truly looking for a viable career change. Throughout my learning I was so thrilled that even the exhaustion could not wipe the permanent smile from my face! I knew I had found my dream job!
After I finished the first part of my course I was quick to return to complete the last part of my diploma the following year. I was happy to see that some of my friends from the previous year had also returned as well as the great crew from Greyfriars.
My dream now is to give back to our furry friends who provide us with such richness in our lives.
I very much look forward to meeting you and your fur family.
Take Care,
Who and Why Frisky Pup Came to Be…

We believe that animals are family and as such deserve to be treated with respect, dignity and care from puppy to senior.
We believe that everyone should have access to services that can improve the health/quality of life of their love ones – both 2 and 4 legged.
We believe that every living being has a right to a healthy happy life free of pain and suffering. We believe no living creature should suffer needlessly.
We believe that if it is in our power, then we are responsible to help improve the lives of those that touch our lives. This may be through rescue, support, volunteering, being vigilant or even just by showing respect.
“We are animal lovers through and through with a special passion for the canine crew.”
Who are Greyfriars?
It is very important for me to share this information about my training provider as they nurtured the already strong commitment I have to professional, quality service with a heart. Here are a few other great reasons that I chose Greyfriars for my diploma training.
They are the leading veterinary practice in the UK for rehabilitation and hydrotherapy referrals.
Their lecturers are all experts in their fields and together have many years experience in veterinary rehabilitation.
They combine up to date rehabilitation knowledge and best practice advice together with unrivalled practical experience.
These professionals include Veterinary Surgeons, Physiotherapists (MSc Vet Physio, ACPAT Cat. A), Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioners and Registered Canine Hydrotherapists.
The high standards of service delivery reflect the Greyfriars belief that training should only be provided by suitably qualified and experienced professionals.
Greyfriars are a Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE) provider under the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB).
They set a very high standard for our profession as mentioned before and were influential in setting up NARCH – the professional association that promotes and creates industry standards as well as ongoing education and training.
Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Referrals
The Veterinary Centre info@greyfriarsrehab.co.uk
Tel: 01483 811172
Hogs Back
16 Binhams Meadow,
Tel: 07859 129 143
Fax: 0844 443 2561
Our Home
(780) 246-3076
11259 10a Ave NW,
Edmonton, AB T6J 6S3